
Points and Miles Bonus Calculator

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Looking for a no-frills, easy to understand tool to help you figure out how many points you need to transfer to get the right bonus amount?

Look no further 😎

What to Use this Tool for

Every so often credit card companies and travel providers (airlines and hotels) will coordinate a transfer bonus for their points, but only for certain pre-set percentages.

Rather than run the numbers yourself, you can use our handy dandy transfer bonus tool to plug in a few key pieces of data and find out how many points you’ll need to transfer to get the number of points you need.

Key Terms

Before we jump in to the tool itself, let’s get a few key terms out of the way first:

  • Desired Number of Points – This is the amount of points you need to book the award you want. For example, if the flight will cost 50,000 points to book, you’d enter 50,000 in this field.
  • Transfer Ratio – This ratio will be based on the points-to-travel-partner exchange ratio outlined in the points portal you’re using. For example, Chase points transfer to most partners at a ratio of 1 Chase UR points to 1 Partner point. Therefore, you’d select the “1:1” dropdown. Other banks and partners will vary, and you’ll need to check the transfer page to confirm.
  • Bonus Points Percentage – This is the transfer bonus amount that’s being offered. For example, if a bonus of 40% is being offered, you’d just type in the number 40.
  • Points Needed – This is the mathematically true number of points you’d need to transfer to end up with your exact desired amount of points. However, since most programs only let you transfer in increments of 1,000 points, the next number is more useful.
  • Points Needed to Transfer Rounded Up to the Nearest 1,000 – This is the actual number of points you’d need to transfer to the travel partner in order to end up with the points needed to book your award. It may be slightly overstated based on minimum transfer requirements, but it’ll be the minimum amount required based on your desired amount of points.

Let's Run Some Numbers

Time to give this thing a go!  Enter your numbers below and click the ‘Calculate’ button to see how many points you’ll need to transfer.

Percentage-Based Calculator



***Disclaimer: Always confirm the accuracy of points needed, never test-transfer small amounts of points, and always confirm award availability before transferring points.***

Getting to the Point

Bonus transfers from airlines and hotels can be great perks when trying to find the best value, but figuring out how many points you’d need to transfer can sometimes be a bit cumbersome.

Using this tool will help you take away that guess-work and get you s definitive value that you’ll need to send over to that travel partner to make sure you end up with the right amount of points.

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